27 weeks!
How far along? 27 weeks (I'll be 28 Thursday)
Size of the baby? head of cauliflower and weighs about 2lbs
Maternity Clothes? Yes! I can still wear a mix of regular tops and dresses, but all maternity pants now.
Weight Gain? I go to the doctor on Wednesday so I'm hoping to not gain as much as last time!
Stretch Marks? I had them with Delaney so I'm hoping to just not gain any new ones!
Gender? It's a GIRL!! Carter Rose Brizendine.
Movement? Yes! I am feeling her all the time now and can even see her moving as well. David can feel her really well too.
Wedding Rings? On. I haven't had much swelling yet and I'm trying to drink tons of water so I'm hoping that helps keep it far away!
Sleep? I slept ok this week. Not great but I expect it will pretty much be like that until the end.
Food Cravings? Nothing lately
What I Miss? Just sleeping good, and my wardrobe, but I'm feeling great for the most part.
Symptoms? I just have to use the restroom more than normal, but other than that I feel back to myself. I have also started having some Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing major. I had these a ton with Delaney so I'm trying to take it easy when I start getting them and drink plenty of water.
Belly Button? In and out. It is in when I haven't just eaten and will poke out once I get full. Weird, I know.
Best Moment of the Week? David being able to feel Carter and just being able to feel her more in general. I'm also getting close to being finished with her nursery. We have our 4d ultrasound this week and we can't wait!

Size of the baby? head of cauliflower and weighs about 2lbs
Maternity Clothes? Yes! I can still wear a mix of regular tops and dresses, but all maternity pants now.
Weight Gain? I go to the doctor on Wednesday so I'm hoping to not gain as much as last time!
Stretch Marks? I had them with Delaney so I'm hoping to just not gain any new ones!
Gender? It's a GIRL!! Carter Rose Brizendine.
Movement? Yes! I am feeling her all the time now and can even see her moving as well. David can feel her really well too.
Wedding Rings? On. I haven't had much swelling yet and I'm trying to drink tons of water so I'm hoping that helps keep it far away!
Sleep? I slept ok this week. Not great but I expect it will pretty much be like that until the end.
Food Cravings? Nothing lately
What I Miss? Just sleeping good, and my wardrobe, but I'm feeling great for the most part.
Symptoms? I just have to use the restroom more than normal, but other than that I feel back to myself. I have also started having some Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing major. I had these a ton with Delaney so I'm trying to take it easy when I start getting them and drink plenty of water.
Belly Button? In and out. It is in when I haven't just eaten and will poke out once I get full. Weird, I know.
Best Moment of the Week? David being able to feel Carter and just being able to feel her more in general. I'm also getting close to being finished with her nursery. We have our 4d ultrasound this week and we can't wait!
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