When Daddy get me ready for bed...

This is what I end up wearing! I came in the room the other night after David had gotten Delaney dressed for bed and this is what I saw... her nightgown on backwards! This is not the first time he has done this and it cracks me up that he didn't even notice until I pointed it out!


  1. That is too funny b/c Tyler did the exact same thing last night with Ben. (well not a gown, but his pj top was on backwards)

    She's so cute no matter what she's wearing! Just get ready for when daddy does ponytails - yikes!

  2. This looks familiar! Joey usually snaps all the snaps wrong and/or puts her pants on before her onesie! Too funny!!

  3. Hilarious!! I remember when Morgan was a little younger, Danny put on a set of PJs that were WAY too small. And because she was in her sleepsack, I didn't notice until the next morning. My poor baby slept all night with way-too-little PJs! Haha!

  4. This looks familiar! Joey usually snaps all the snaps wrong and/or puts her pants on before her onesie! Too funny!!
    Work From Home


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