Meeting the Backyardigans!

My mom got us a family membership to the McWane Center for Christmas and we have gotten her money's worth for sure! Over Spring Break the Backyardigans came to visit the McWane. Delaney talked about seeing them for at least a month before we actually went to see them and was so excited about it. My cousin Kara went with us as well and Delaney was so excited she was with us. We got there a little early before one of their scheduled visiting times and she saw them at the front of the line as soon as we got there. She was jumping up and down, so excited to see them them the whole time we were in line. We waited for about 40 minutes or so and then it was our turn. Well Delaney acted like she didn't even know she was in line to see them. She DID NOT want to go near them, and I think they were a little bigger than she expected up close. Well we were getting a picture with them one way or another after standing in line that long, so I took the picture with her. I asked her if she wanted to give Pablo five and she responded, "No I not want to touch him!". She talked about them afterward so I guess she still thought it was fun that we saw them even if she wanted nothing to do with them right then!


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