Delaney, Finley and Tubes
I did a post earlier on how great our Spring Break was, and while it was great we also did some not so fun things. Delaney had gone through five ear infections since November (we were averaging one a month at least). The antibiotics never seemed to work completely and if they did work she got another one in a couple of weeks. Our doctor recommended the ENT so we knew what was coming. We went for the first checkup and were scheduled to get tubes two days later and possibly have her adenoids out at the same time. The doctor told us that he would check her adenoids once they gave her the mask to go to sleep and if it was necessary to take them out they would put the IV meds in to put her all the way to sleep once she was already out from the mask. I was so nervous, but I was at least glad if they had to put my baby all the way to sleep she would already be out and not know they were sticking a needle in her foot! The surgery was so fast and she was only away from us for about 30 or 45 min. It was really only about 20min for the surgery and the doctor was back in the room telling us she did great. She did end up having to do the adenoids and tubes so she was put to sleep. I was NOT prepared for how pitiful she looked after surgery. I didn't realize they tape your eyes shut whenever you have any kind of "real" surgery (meaning they use an IV with general anesthesia) and they also had to put a breathing tube down her throat. When she got back to the room she was so out of it and barley awake. Her skin is really sensitive so her eyes were so swollen from the tape and her lips were huge from the breathing tube that had been down her throat and she was just scared. We stayed in recovery for about 45min and then they let us take her home. She just had tears running down her face but wasn't making any crying noise or anything and it was starting to freak me out. She must have known because when we got home she started to perk up and I went to lay down with her for a nap and she started talking more and more and in about 20min was back to normal and JUMPING on the bed! I was shocked! She took a good nap for about two hours and then she played like normal the rest of the day. The next two weeks were rough and she ran a really high fever and just felt awful. We really were not prepared for this as they told us there would be little to no recovery time. I think she may have picked up a virus or something at the hospital because her fever was over 103. Anyway she was back to herself after about two weeks and we can tell a huge difference in her. She seems to feel so much better and we haven't had an ear infection in over a month! Were hoping they stay away from now on!
Delaney playing with all the toys at the hospital waiting to go back for surgery.

Delaney playing with all the toys at the hospital waiting to go back for surgery.
The night before her surgery we kept Finley so Brent and David could go eat with some guys (Steph had to work). We had so much fun playing with Finley. She can sit up on her own now so it is so much easier for Delaney to interact with her and for Finley to be able to interact. D was going to feed Finley her bottle, but she kept wanting to take it out of her mouth and look at it and Finley was not OK with that! Delaney loves her cousin and I know they will have so much fun growing up together! Here are a few pics from the night!
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