A new first and big news!

Well to start off I am going back to school to get my master's degree in teaching. I am trying to work everything out for fall but it is kind of late so I'm not sure if everything will get done for me to start that soon. If not I will be starting school in the spring and I'll be going to Montevallo. The program is 18 months and I will go full time and keep Delaney on my off days. I'm really excited about this new journey in life and I think this will be so great for our family! Having the same schedule as David, getting to stay home with my babies during the summer, and working with kids will be awesome!

First Delaney actually took a step the other day while we were practicing standing up by our self. I don't count it was walking or anything I really think it was an accident and she sat down right after but I know it probably won't be to long. I would be perfectly fine with her being floor bound and not up on her feet for a couple more months! We had some errands to run after church on Sunday so mom and I took Delaney to the mall to get some stuff done. I had been meaning to let her ride the carousel last time we were there and I totally forgot so we got to do it this time! She LOVED it and just laughed and stared at everything the whole time. Delaney has this funny thing about holding on to things like she going to fall out and I swear we have never dropped her or anything. For example when you pick her up in her car seat she will hold on to the sides like she is on a ride and its really funny so needless to say she knew how to hold on the the carousel like a champ! I stood right there with my hand on her but she was fine and held herself on the whole time... Some pictures from that adventure.


  1. Congrats on going back to school!!! You'll do awesome, I know it!

  2. that is great about school!! Glad things are working out better! :)

  3. That is great, Heather! Teaching is so rewarding in so many ways -- especially the summers! :)

  4. congratulations, I think that is wonderful to do for both yourself and your family! A good example for Delaney!


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